Food distribution
One of the most important steps in our work is food distributions. It marks the beginning of our action, the first meeting between the potential beneficiary and our association. It is at this point a relationship of trust that is built and a way to be aware of the multiple life trajectories.
All this is possible thanks to the donations of our members, restaurateurs and hoteliers who are kind enough to share with us their food from the day before or the morning.
Food, clothing and hygiene products are regularly distributed on weekends. We also try to do them on weekdays but for that we need you.
Do not hesitate to suggest food distributions in the forum of the member area.
How do we stay in contact with potential beneficiaries in very precarious situations or who are homeless?
Several means, either the person has a mobile number, or he has his habits in a sector allowing us to find him easily. In all cases we send him a business card allowing him to reach us at any time.